PADD visit Together!


PADD visit Together!

  • Together! supports young visually impaired adults to continue their education or to start an own business. For this, we constantly need sponsors who are willing and committed to pay for the College or University fees, study materials and transportation costs for one visually impaired student which amount to approximately 40 Euro per month for a time span of 3 or 4 years.
  • If someone cannot make long-term commitments, but would like to assist the sponsorship program anyhow, there is also the opportunity to make a one-time or occasional donation as start-off capital for income generation for those motivated and creative visually impaired individuals who cannot enroll at higher educational institutions!
  • Together! welcomes national and international volunteers who would like to gain work experience and enrich our project through their voluntary engagement!!!
  • Unfortunately, Together! is not able to provide financial assistance to its volunteers. However, we can provide a prosperous environment for volunteering and will assist our volunteers in other non-financial ways as best as we can!!!

About the author

Together! administrator